Thursday, August 19, 2010

Parade Hair!

This hair is for those RIDING in the EISF parade! Please make sure hair is professional, clean, and performance ready--you will all be adorable on the float. Remember you can wear whatever combination of Green, Yellow, and Jean that you wish--please try and incorporate all three colors! Details will be coming as far as our line up and number when I recieve it. Everyone must arrive NO LATER than 10:00 am.

Hair is as follows:

1. Hair is SLICKED back into a Super high ponytail--BANGS INCLUDED. The ponytail should be pretty high up--not on top but not too low.

2. The hair in the ponytail is TIGHTLY curled into indivudal ringlets and sprayed to last the route down!

3. You can put any hair accessories in the hair that you want!

4. Make it slick, tight, and super curly!

Also, at the end of the parade YOU MUST have someone there to grab your dancer off of the float and take them home. I cannot take them with me--we will be taking the trailer and tractors back immediately after the parade. Dancers will be taken off the float at the Independance School and will need to have arrangements made as to where they go. Thanks so much for your help with this--it makes the dancers safe and my life a little easier.
If you have questions please feel free to ask me!
