I hope all of you are excited for the parade! I just got the information that we are number 30 in the line up (so much for being at the beginning).
ALL DANCERS must arrive NO LATER than 10:00 am. We will be located in front of the Blackfoot High School by Willis Street. Look for army trucks and that would be us. It will be on the same side of the street as the seminary building.
PLEASE allow for plenty of time to get to this location since they block off streets and it gets a little tricky.
Dancers who are riding the float may wear anything you choose in the colors of Red, White and Blue. Please try to incorporate all 3 colors and make it clean and neat. The hair is pictured below--please refer to your note that was sent home with your practice outfit for specific details. Dancers who have short hair must follow the instructions but only put up the sides of the hair (still slicked and on top of the head) and curl all of the remaining hair as well. I want it tightly curled in ringlets and smoothly slicked. You can add whatever hair accessories you choose. If you have questions please call me.
You can put a little make up on your child as well! Glitter is fun, lip stick and cheek color are nice as well.
Make sure you look professional and ready to wave proud!
Dancers will need to be picked up at the end of the parade (Alice Street--but sometimes we have to go a little further so we can turn off the route). We will not transport anyone after the parade route is done. Please make sure someone is there for your child to jump off the float and be taken to their families. The last thing we need is adorable lost dancers!
Last , but not least, does anyone have a QUIET generator? If you do please let me know--I need to round up 3 of them! The Honda generators are more quiet than others and we need the least amount of noise! Thanks so much!